Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer and departure

This trip has seemed so far away for so long that I just kept putting off setting up this blog. Well now it's here, so I figured I better get my butt in gear. The last two months have been amazing, and really the last two years. I would not trade any of it for anything, especially the people I have met and the relationships I have developed. 
I can't help but be a little nostalgic as I leave the country, but with so many opportunities for adventure ahead the nostalgia is overshadowed by excitement. 
I arrive in Kathmandu on Friday and spend a few days with Kristen before she has to go to Besisahar. At that point I begin studying Nepali for 3 weeks to a month in Kathmandu. Once I have command of basic Nepali my real quest can begin... Searching for the yeti! 
Anyway here are a couple picture from this summer.
This is what the Wild West crew thinks of me.

 Raft race victory kiss!
The whole Wild West family minus a few late comers.

1 comment:

  1. Well off to a great start! I'm going to post on every entry so I can make sure I've seen them all. Happy adventures!
